
ReferNet in Europe


National ReferNet partners are key institutions who participate in vocational training (VET) or labour market policies in their country and coordinate their respective national networks. They are selected by Cedefop through public calls.

These institutions are well placed to provide first-hand information on:

The role, purpose, governance and structure of VET.

The evolution and trends of VET policies.

The in-depth analysis of how each state is moving towards the achievement of the common European objectives.

ReferNet's joint effort provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and information that facilitates a better understanding of vocational education and training (VET) issues in Europe. This close cooperation among members also helps to increase visibility and awareness of the value of VET.

Its activities include the elaboration of national reports on vocational training systems and their development in the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. The network also collects information on education and vocational training policies in different countries. This information enables Cedefop to analyse the evolution of policies and the degree of progress in achieving the European objectives in education and vocational training.

The network consists of 30 states, 27 of them EU members and Iceland, Norway and United Kingdom.

More information and contacts of the members of the network on the Cedefop website.

Vet in europe